Turn off live photo permanently
Turn off live photo permanently

As I wrote in Losing faith, UX now stands for user exploitation. Live Photos shows how far the rot has progressed. (You can listen to the interview or see show notes.) Then, this week on Techtonic, I spoke with Marci Brennan and Chris George, photo organizers from Past Present Pix, and they reminded me how deceptive and toxic Apple's Live Photos feature is. I didn't mention Apple once in Why I'm losing faith in UX, my column from January that went viral - and in hindsight that was a missed opportunity. I should have written more on this earlier. Apple is rotting for all of these reasons and more. It's not just their cozy relationship with state surveillance actors, or their willful ignorance about forced labor used in their manufacturing, or their tax avoidance in Ireland, or their anticompetitive App Store, or their surveillance-capitalist revenue from Google, or their " gift to stalkers" known as AirTags, or their business model's moral equivalence with Facebook. And Apple is showing all the signs of a deep corruption. Money and power eventually corrupt their possessor, whether that's an individual, a government, or in this case, a trillion-dollar company. I'd agree and add that the surveillance state is hardly limited to China, as I've written recently (about my own neighborhood). "Censorship, surveillance, and profits" is how the Times put it. Doing so will drop down the Motion settings.30 de jan.An important New York Times article this week - by Jack Nicas, Raymond Zhong, and Daisuke Wakabayashi - showed Apple's complicity with the growing surveillance state in China. Tap on the circle that has an almost complete ring around it. At the top of the app's interface, you will find a row of different icons. To turn Motion Photos entirely off or on, head on into the camera app. de 2018 How do I turn off live photos on Android? Live photos can only be played on devices that support Live photos, so for example, if you open Google Photos account (that contains live photos)on an Android phone, the photos will remain stable because Android devices doesn't support Live photos.12 de jun. Open the settings and look under "Sharing." There's a toggle called " remove video from motion photos." It does what the label says. Google Photos has a motion on/ off toggle, but the Android app lets you go a step further.

turn off live photo permanently

Google Photos has an option to trim them out. This will save your last Camera app settings and stop Live Photo from being automatically enabled.

  • Tap the Live Photo slider so it is ON/GREEN.
  • turn off live photo permanently

    Tap the yellow Live Photo icon so it is white and crossed out.How can I disable Live Photos on my iPhone?

    Turn off live photo permanently